
Easter Day! Hooray! Hooray!

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Свято "Easter Day! Hooray! Hooray!"

Мета: формувати позитивну мотивацію навчання, готовність прийняття культури, мова якої вивчається, розвивати лінгвістичні, творчі та артистичні навички учнів; ознайомити з історією, традиціями та символами свята Пасхи у Великій Британії та Україні,  виховувати повагу до традицій та культурних цінностей українського та британського народів.

Місце проведення: актова зала .

Обладнання: вірші до Великодня, Великодній кошик з крашанками, рушники, ікони, атрибути до інсценівки, малюнки із зображеннями  пасхальних символів та великодні гірлянди.

Голоси за сценою:
Великий день! Великий день!
Ясний Великдень на землі!
Багато радості й пісень
Приніс нам янгол на крилі.

Easer day! Easter day!
And the children bright and gay.
They like to sing, to jump, to play
On such a merry Easter day!

Весна іде, весна іде.
Весну вітаймо, діти.
Весна пісні нам принесе,
Вінки, чудові квіти.

The dance. «Дівчина – весна»

Compere 1: Добрий день, любі гості! Дякуємо, що завітали до нас на гостини святкової і щедрої днини.

Compere 2: We welcome you at our Easter Party. We hope that you’ll have a nice time today. We’d like you to get more information about this Christian tradition, its symbols and activities.

Compere 1: Весною приходить до нас одне з найвеличніших християнських свят – Пасха. Пасхальний день – святий день. В цей день воскресає природа і Син Божий – Ісус Христос. Він духом приходить до людей, до всього сущого, несучи здоров’я, щастя, добро. По-особливому святкують цей день в різних країнах… А чи знаєш ти, звідки прийшла до нас ця назва?

Compere 3: Sure, I know. The name Easter comes from Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring worshipped in Northern Europe long before the Christianity. All fires were burnt in her honour.
The Christians continued this tradition; they burn these fires now changing them into candles.

Compere 1: Напередодні Великодня відзначають Вербну неділю. У цей день жінки, нарізавши вербових гілок, несли їх до Церкви посвятити.

Compere 2: Oh, yes. In Britain the week before Easter is called Holy week and it begins with Palm Sunday, which celebrates the story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, where people spread palm branches and clothing before him.

Compere 1: В Україні кожен день тижня напередодні свята має свою назву: Чистий четвер (в цей день прибирають оселі), Страсна п’ятниця (печуть Паски), Великодня субота (у цей день жінки готують писанки та крашанки) та Пасха.

Compere 3: Oh, yes, I see. And in Great Britain on Holy Thursday Christians celebrate the Last Supper – Jesus' last meal with his apostles. Good Friday refers to the day Jesus was crucified and the following Sunday, Easter Sunday, when his resurrection is celebrated.

Pupil 1:                         'Easter Comes But Once a Year.'
Easter comes but once a year
But when it does, we all know its here.
Children fill themselves with chocolate,
We go to the church on this precious date.
But remember we must, that the Lord died for us
And ascended into heaven to give us fresh lives
For each and every one of us.

Хореографічна композиція зі свічками.
Слова ведучих за сценою під час танцю:
 «Діво Присвятая – Матір Матерів,
Пригорни до серця всіх своїх синів.
Освіти їх душі світлом золотим.
Наповни любов’ю кожний дім.

Bless the day the joy of life
In the Lord all we dive.
Hope to have your grace
Fill the hearts with trust and faith.

Compere 1: Пасха красна день вітає!
Радуйтеся щиро нині –
Бог дав щастя всій родині,
Бог дав радість нам з небес.
Христос Воскрес! Христос Воскрес!
У день Великодній люди вітають одне одного словами: «Христос Воскрес!» і відповідають: «Воістину Воскрес!» Запрошують у гості, пригощають святковими стравами та пасками, дарують писанки.

Compere 2: You know the English have a tradition of Easter baskets. Easter baskets are filled with eggs and sweets and decorated with ribbons, flowers and straw. British children believe that the Easter bunny brings baskets full of Easter eggs and hides them for finding on Easter morning. He can bring the eggs and put them near the beds.

Compere 1: Отож, кролик – символ англійської Пасхи? А чому?

Compere 3: You mean where did the tradition of Easter bunny begin? There are many different legends, but here is a popular one (a Northern European legend).

Compere 2: Long ago in Germany there lived an old woman who loved children. Each year she gave children presents to celebrate spring. One year she had nothing to give. All she had were some eggs. She did not want to disappoint the children, so she coloured the eggs and hid them in the grass.

Compere 3: When the children came, she told them to run out into the yard to find their presents hidden there. Just as one of the children found the eggs, a large rabbit jumped away. So the children thought that the rabbit had left the eggs for them! And ever since, children have looked for the eggs left by the Easter rabbit on Easter morning. It is called the Easter Egg Hunt.

Compere 1: А невід’ємною частиною українського Великодня є писанка. У наших предків яйце було символом весняного відродження природи, зародження життя, продовження роду, символом сонця, тепла і вічності. За народним віруванням крашанки й писанки готуються саме в суботу. Фарбоване яйце вважається оберегом. Тому дарували їх одне одному на свято. З писанок і крашанок розпочинається Великодній сніданок у кожній українській оселі. Наша писанка стала відомою у всьому світі, а в Канаді їй збудовано великий пам’ятник.

Compere 2: Id like to tell you about more Easter symbols of Britain. They are the lamb, the cross, the lily and the chicken.

Compere 3: As to speak about the lamb it is a traditional Easter meal. Even cookies and cakes are often made in the shape of a lamb for Easter.

Pupil 2:                                    Mary had a little lamb
Mary had a little lamb.
Its fleece was while as snow;   
And everywhere that Mary went       
The lamb was sure to go
It followed her to school one day,
That was against the rule:
It made the children laugh and play
To see a lamb at school.

Compere 2: I can’t but mention the cross. We know that the Christ was crucified on a cross, so the cross has a special meaning to Christians. It represents Christ’s victory over death. That’s why the Britons make Easter buns with crosses on them.

Compere 1: А на Україні символом вічності людського життя є великий, гарно випечений хліб, тобто паска. Поки паска не посвячена, їсти її не можна – гріх.
Покуштуйте святу паску,
Буде в домі радість, ласка,
І достаток, і добро,
Хай відступить всяке зло.

Compere 3: A very important Easter symbol is Easter Lily. Lily is a symbol of purity and hope; it is often associated with mother Mary. Easter lily marks the commemoration of Jesus' return to life.

Compere 2: As for the chicken like the Easter Egg it symbolizes a new life and the resurrection of life. On Easter children often draw pictures of rabbits, lambs, eggs, chickens, crosses and lilies. You can also see them around our hall.

Pupil 3:                                            Mrs. Hen
Chook, chook, chook-chook-chook!
Good morning, Mrs. Hen!
How many chickens have you got?
Madam, I've got ten.
Four of them are yellow,
And four of them are brown,
And two of them are speckled red,
The nicest in the town.

Compere 3: There is an Easter game – "Egg rolling", traditionally played on Easter Monday. Children roll eggs down a grassy hill and the first egg to reach the bottom without breaking is the winner. If the egg reaches the bottom without breaking it is said to bring good luck.

Compere 1: Пропонуємо вам полинути у Велику Британію та завітати до англійської родини.

A small play

Mother: Children, come here at the table. I’ve made fresh tea. Today is the main Christian holiday.
Daughter: What’s the holiday, mom?
Mother: Easter. It is connected with the Christ resurrection. This is a great day. It seems to me that even the sun shines brighter on this day, all people are cheerful and gay. Children are impatiently waiting for the holiday because they want to have Easter eggs from the Easter bunny.
Son: Yes, it’s really a very special day.

An Easter song: (acting and two girls are singing)
Little Bunny Foo Foo
Hopping through the forest,
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping ‘em on the head.
Down came the good fairy.
And she said:

Little Bunny Foo Foo,
I don't want to see you
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping 'em on the head.
I'll give you three chances,
And if you don't behave,
I'll turn you into a goon.
The next day:
Little Bunny Foo Foo
Hoppin' through the forest,
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping 'em on the head.
Down came the good fairy.
And she said:

Little Bunny Foo Foo,
I don't want to see you
Scooping up the field mice  
And bopping "em on the head.
I'll give you two more chances,
And if you don't behave,
I'll turn you into a goon.
The next day:
Little Bunny Foo Foo
Hoppin' through the forest, Scooping up the field mice
And bopping 'em on the head. Down came the good fairy ,
And she said:

Little Bunny Foo Foo
I don't want to see you
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping 'em on the head.
I'll give you one more chance,
And if you don't behave,
I'll turn you into a goon.
The next day:
Little Bunny Foo Foo
Hoppin' through the forest, Scooping up the field mice
And bopping "em on the head. Down came the good fairy,
And she said:

Little Bunny Foo Foo,
I don't like to see you
Scooping up the field-mice
And bopping 'em on the head.
I gave you three chances,
And you didn't behave.
Now you're a goon ! — Poof.

(During the song an Easter bunny puts the baskets full of Easter eggs in front of the fireplace. The children run to the basket.)

Son: Mom, look how many eggs the Easter rabbit brought for us!
Mother: I’ll tell you a legend about the Easter eggs. Listen! The world’s destiny depends on how many eggs are decorated every year. The world exists until they are dyed. But when people forget this custom the evil frees itself from the chains which tie it and vanishes the world. The devil is tied to the rock by these chains. Every year he sends his servants around the world to look for the eggs left. The more eggs the stronger the chains and the devil looses his power because people’s love wins every evil.
Son: Wow! That’s interesting! Oh, Jane, look at the eggs! How many colours are there! May be they symbolize something?
Daughter: Yes, sure. Red is hope, life and happiness, yellow is moon and stars, blue is the sky, wind and health, green is wealth and fertility, white is light and purity, black is a ground.
Mother: According to another legend just in such colours the Virgin Mary dyed the boiled eggs to entertain her baby – Jesus.
Son: Oh, I see. Look there is the whole world in it. Let’s play the game “Egg tapping”.
(the boy and the girl play the game)
(the church bells are ringing)
Mother: Do you hear the church bells are ringing? They tell us that the Christ will soon be resurrected. It is time to go to the church. (They go out)

An Easter song: (two girls are singing)

Here comes Peter Cottontail,
Hoppin' down the bunny trail.
Hippity hoppin", Easter's on its way.

Bringin' every girl and boy
Baskets full of Easter joy,
Things to make your Easter bright and gay.

He's got jellybeans for Tommy,
Colored eggs for sister Sue.
There's an orchid for your mommy
And an Easter bonnet too.

Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin' down the bunny trail,
Hippity hoppity, Happy Easter Day!

Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin' down the bunny trail,
Look at him stop and listen to him say...

Try to do the things you should,
Maybe if you're extra good
He'll roll lots of Easter eggs your way.

You'll wake up on Easter morning,
And you'll know that he was there
When you find those chocolate bunnies
That he's hiding everywhere.

Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin' down the bunny trail,
Hippity hoppin', Happy Easter Day,
Hippity hoppin', Happy Easter Day!
(The family comes in)
Son: Let’s play the game “Egg rolling”. Whose egg the first reaches the bottom without breaking is the winner.
Daughter: Yes, I know. If the egg reaches the bottom without breaking it is said to bring good luck.
Son: Then let’s wish each other good luck.
(The children are playing the game. The guests are welcomed to join)

A Scottish reel

Pupil 4: And I know a poem about chocolate rabbit.

Chocolate Rabbit
I got a chocolate rabbit
For an Easter treat,
A great big chocolate rabbit
Good enough to eat.
So I ate his ears on Sunday,
His nose I finished on Monday.
Tuesday I nibbled on his feet.
I ate his tail on Wednesday
Thursday I kept on,
By Friday he was going,
Saturday he was gone.
Oh, I loved my chocolate rabbit
From the moment that he came,
And if I get another one,
I'll love him just the same.

Compere 2: In England there is a custom of giving and receiving eggs at Easter. It is very common as the Egg is a symbol of new life.

Pupils 5, 6:                 EASTER EGGS, PINK AND BLUE
-         Easter eggs, pink and blue.
One for me, one for you.
-         Easter eggs, one, two, three.
One for you, two for me!
-         Easter eggs, pink and blue.
One for me, two for you.
-         Easter eggs, one, two, three.
Two for you and one for me!
-         One for you, one for me.
-         One for the teacher.
One, two, three!
(The girls are going in the aisles and giving all the guests eggs as the presents. While they are giving the eggs girls recite a poem :)

Pupils 7, 8, 9:              Funny Easter Bunny
1. One sunny Easter morning
With a basket in his hands
The Rabbit walked. And he was going
To visit relatives and friends.
2. Blue and yellow, white and red
Flowers nodded their heads.
The sun was brightly shining.
And our friend was smiling.
3. A garland of violets on Rabbit's head
Carrying a basket of chocolate eggs.
You are handsome, brother dear.
Cross the wood and do not fear!
4. He met the Bear on the way.
Said "Good morning" to the friend,
Didn't notice a stump.
Oh, dear! He fell down!
5. What a pity! We are sorry!
Brother Rabbit, please, don't worry!
Easter eggs and all the toys
Rolling down making noise.
6. Poor Rabbit has got afraid
And hasn't received the first aid.
He has bumped his knee,
Jumped into the bushes under the tree.
7. The children came into the wood.
They have seen the Rabbit's foot
Hidden in the grass
And they began to laugh.
8. "What are you doing here?
Easter is near.
Morning bells are ringing.
All the children are singing."
9. Then they picked the presents up
Ate some red cross buns,
Kissed the rabbit and began to play
Rolling eggs on green grass the whole day.

Compere 1: О, знати ми повинні
Ціну собі й другим,
Любов, як ту святиню,
Нести до серця всім.
Святе – це дні єднання
З родиною родин,
Це наше славне знамя,
Бо ми народ один.
Вам щиро дякуєм усі,
Що ви прийшли до нас на свято,
І хочем побажати від душі
Здоров’я й радості багато.

The dance. «А у нас на Україні»
Лунає пісня: «Христос Воскрес», На фоні пісні ведуча промовляє сова:
Compere 1: Мир хай буде всім сьогодні
Бо це ж свята Великодні.
Живе, не вмре святих небес
Святий привіт: «Христос Воскрес!»
Всі учасники: «Воістину Воскрес!»

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